Driving too close behind other vehicles may increase a chance of a car wreck in Nevada. It must have happened that you were in such a rush that you drove too close to the car in front of you to get somewhere? Or maybe someone who was in a hurry to go home flashed right past you. These are usually social events, which take place in the backs of cars parked for sporting events or concerts. Driving in a tailgate is illegal and can be penalized by a fine.
A report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that 87% of rear-end car crashes were the result of a driver not paying attention to the vehicle in front of them. Also, nearly half of all two-vehicle crashes are rear-ended collisions.
What Is Tailgating?
Driving behind another vehicle without leaving a safe distance between the two vehicles is called tailgating. It is obligatory for drivers that they must leave sufficient distance between their car and the car in front. A short distance between cars can cause a collision if the vehicle in front all of a sudden, stops. When you suddenly step on the brake, the car may take a lot longer to come to rest than you anticipate.
Types of Tailgating That Can Cause a Car Wreck in Nevada:
There are many reasons why drivers may tailgate. Some of the common types of tailgaters include:
Distracted Drivers:
In this type of tailgate, the driver does not realize that it is late. They are immersed in a radio show, changing radio stations, or talking to or texting someone on the phone. They are too much lost in their activity that they forget to notice that they are dangerously close to the driver in front of them.
Ignorant Drivers:
This driver is unaware of the danger of tailgating. They often tailgate because they are not aware that being too close to the car in front of you is not a very safe situation. If the car in front ceases to move unexpectedly, it could end up in a rear collision.
Unaware Drivers:
This driver thinks they are safe. But in reality, they have no idea that they are a little too close to the car in front of them. It might be a possibility that maybe they are on autopilot because they have been riding the same road for years. They have a false sense of security and do not pay attention to the following distances.
Compliant Drivers:
The driver knows that this type of tailgating is dangerous, but they do it anyway. They might never have gotten into an accident, so they just keep following the tailgate.
Aggressive Drivers:
The aggressive tailgater uses tailgating as an intimidating tactic to bully the driver in front of them. Sometimes they try to get the driver out of their way. This type of tailgating can often be seen as street rage. The driver in front may not want to respect the aggressive tailgater. Either they do not want to break the law by crossing the speed limit, or they cannot change lanes safely.
Four Ways to Deal with Tailgaters:
Follow these safety measures to deal with a tailgater and to avoid a car wreck in Nevada:
Keep Calm:
Feeling anger is the first step in losing control of the situation. If you are in a calm state of mind, it allows you to do the right thing when the opportunity arises. It will also make you less likely to engage in any dangerous activities that only serve to anger the tailgater.ย Rude gestures, hard braking, and deliberately slowing down are the actions that can frustrate such people.
Keep Clear:
If you are on a multi-lane highway, signal and then move to the lane on your right when it is safe. If there is only one lane in your direction of travel, stop when a safe opportunity presents itself.
Driving at a Constant Speed:
On winding roads, driving slowly around bends and then accelerating on straights makes overtaking difficult for tailgaters. Constant speed makes it easier for tailgaters to gauge passing distances and to safely pass. Never accelerate when they are passing you.
Increase Following Distance:
Although a tailgater can endanger you with their actions which you can compensate by allowing a greater chasing distance than usual behind the car in front of you. This practice gives you more braking distance so that you can brake more smoothly in case of sudden changes in traffic ahead.
Contact a Traffic Accident Lawyer Today for a Car Wreck in Nevada:
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car wreck in Nevada, we encourage you to contact us. A traffic accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us for a free case assessment.