Serving Our Clients
We work hard to explain the process of a client’s case in as much detail as we can during that first visit. We believe it’s our firm’s responsibility to focus on the challenges of the case, so that our clients can focus on the challenges of getting well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will My Case Go To Trial?
We make every attempt to reach a fair resolution before taking a case to the courtroom. But we also prepare every case as if it will definitely go to trial. We believe thorough preparation is the most effective way to be ready for every possibility. No matter the circumstances, our intent is to be best prepared for what happens next with your case.
As A Client, Will I Be Able To Reach My Attorney, Paralegal Or Another Member Of My Legal Team When I Have A Question Or Concern?
Our client-response process is very straight-forward. We will make every attempt to answer your call when it first comes into the office. If for some reason one of your team is unavailable at that time, we will return your call within 24 hours.
How Long Will All This Take?
The length of an injury case primarily depends on the medical issues related to that accident or injury. Damages cannot be completely assessed until after we know how well a client will heal from an injury. With so many differences from case to case, it’s hard to offer a specific timeline, but on average, cases may take between 90 days and two years to resolve.
Our clients are our first priority. And our firm’s success depends entirely on the clients we serve. We know that when a client comes to us, they put their trust and the future of their case in the hands of just one firm. That’s why our commitment is to work on that case as if we had just one client.
Our strategy is simple — treat every case as if it were our own and make every decision as if it were being made for our own families.
First Steps
We understand that visiting a lawyer may not be a comfortable experience. For someone who’s been injured or for their family member, every piece of life has been affected. Our first priority is to let clients know that we have compassion for what they’ve been through. Our next job is to explain with competence the legal issues surrounding their case.